To address these questions, we employ a combination of tried and innovative techniques in wildlife telemetry (archival, acoustic, and accelerometery) and molecular genetics. It allows us to investigate stock structure, behavior, and short and long term movements within a variety of habitats (MPAs, open ocean, reef systems, etc) on a daily, seasonal and ontogenetic time scale.
We look to define the regions of the ocean that are important to these species; determine the oceanographic conditions that define their habitat; learn of their movement patterns within these areas; and investigate potential ecological implications of their endothermic physiology (if pertinent). Most of these animals are commercially important fish for international fisheries and effective management of existing biodiversity requires an understanding of their biology and population structure.
Tracking megafauna within the Indian Ocean Region, a Marine Protected Area that is larger than the US state of California, is a challenge. Thankfully with new technology, we are able to figuratively “peel back the ocean” to get a snapshot into where these animals spend the majority of their time...defining hot spots as well as migration corridors in order to inform management and enforcement.
My Projects
Other interests
The Tag-A-Giant Foundation is committed to maintaining a sustainable bluefin tuna fishery by supporting the scientific research necessary to develop innovative and effective policy and conservation initiatives.
My Publications

Pop-up Archival Tags Reveal Environmental Influences on the Vertical Movements of Silvertip Sharks (Carcharhinus albimarginatus)
Tickler, D.M., Carlisle, A.B., Meeuwig, J.J., Chapple, T.K., Curnick, D., Dale, J.J., Castleton, M.J., Schallert, R.J., Block, B.B. (2023). Pop-up archival tags reveal environmental influences on the vertical movements of silvertip sharks (Carcharhinus albimarginatus). Marine Ecological Progress Series.

Environmental DNA Helps Reveal Reef Shark Distribution Across a Remote Archipelago
Dunn, N., Curnick, D.J., Carbone, C., Carlisle, A.B., Chapple, T.K., Dowell, R., Ferretti, F., Jacoby, D.M.P., Schallert, R.J., Steyaert, M., Tickler, D.M., Williamson, M.J., Block, B.A., Savolainen, V. (2023). Environmental DNA helps reveal reef shark distribution across a remote archipelago. Ecological Indicators.

Behavior and Ecology of Silky Sharks Around the Chagos Archipelago and Evidence of Indian Ocean Wide Movement
Curnick, D.J., Andrzejaczek, S., Jacoby, D.M.P., Coffey, D.M., Carlisle, A.B., Chapple, T.K., Ferretti, F., Schallert, R.J., White, T., Block, B.A., Koldewey, H.J. and Collen, B. (2020) Behavior and Ecology of Silky Sharks Around the Chagos Archipelago and Evidence of Indian Ocean Wide Movement. Frontiers in Marine Science.

A Review of a Decade of Lessons From One of the World’s Largest MPAs: Conservation Gains and Key Challenges
Hays, G.C., Koldewey, H.J., Andrzejaczek, S., Attrill, M.J., Barley, S., Bayley, D.T.I., Benkwitt, C.E., Block, B., Schallert, R.J., Carlisle, A., Carr, P., Chapple, T.K., Collins, C., Diaz, C., Dunn, N., Dunbar, R.B., Eager, D.S., Engel, J., Embling, C.B., Esteban, N., Ferretti, F., Foster, N.L., Freeman, R., Gollock, M., Graham, N.A.J., Harris, J.L., Head, C.E.I, Hosegood, P., Howell, K.L., Hussey, N.E., Jacoby, D.M.P., Jones, R., Pilly, J.S., Lange, I.D., Letessier, T.B., Levy, E., Lindhart, M., McDevitt-Irwin, J.M., Meekan, M., Meeuwig, J.J., Micheli, F., Mogg, A., Mortimer, J.A., Mucciarone, D.A., Nicoll, M.A., Nuno, A., Perry, C., Preston, S.G., Rattray, A.J., Robinson, E., Roche, R., Schiele, M., Sheehan, E.V., Sheppard, A., Sheppard, C., Smith, A.L., Soule, B., Spalding, M., Stevens, G.M.W., Steyaert, M., Stiffel, S., Taylor, B.M., Tickler, D., Trevail, A.M., Trueba, P., Turner, J., Votier, S., Wilson, B., Williams, G., Williamson, B., Williamson, M.J., Wood, H. and Curnick, D.J. (2020) A review of a decade of lessons from one of the world’s largest MPAs: conservation gains and key challenges. Marine Biology.

Mitochondrial Genome of the Silky Shark Carcharhinus falciformis From the British Indian Ocean Territory Marine Protected Area
Johri, S., Chapple, T.K., Dinsdale, E.A., Schallert, R. and Block, B.A., (2020) Mitochondrial genome of the silky shark Carcharhinus falciformis from the British Indian Ocean Territory Marine Protected Area. Mitochondrial DNA Part B.