Alexandra Khrizman PhD student
I use the gradient flux approach, specifically a system called the BEAMS (Benthic Ecosystem and Acidification Measurement System), that combines measurements of vertical gradients of chemical constituents (dissolved oxygen and pH), together with measurements of flow characteristics on the reef, in order to quantify net community production (NCP) and net community calcification (NCC). Understanding these processes is essential for assessing whether the reef serves as a source or a sink of carbon, and the role of the reef ecosystem in biogeochemical processes. In addition, I apply photogrammetry technique to assess the reef community composition and its change over time.
I became passionate with the oceans, and especially with coral reefs when I was 12. My parents and I were camping every year on the beach of the Red Sea, where reefs are two meters from our tent. I spent hours snorkelling and being fascinated by how this ecosystem functions.
Other Research
My research also includes quantifying the rates of reef community production and calcification in Palau. I use the same approach as in Chagos, which allows a comparison between the reefs, as well as understanding further how different environmental and ecological conditions shape how the reefs function. This work is part of a larger project using a variety of methods to quantify these processes and study the hydrodynamics over a reef ecosystem.

Remote Reef Cryptobenthic Diversity; Integrating Autonomous Reef Monitoring Structures (ARMS) and In Situ Environmental Parameters
Steyaert, M., Lindhart, M., Khrizman, A., Dunbar, R.B., Bonsall, M., Mucciarone, D., Ransome, E., Santodomingo, N., Winslade, P., Head, C.E.I. (2022). Remote reef cryptobenthic diversity; integrating Autonomous Reef Monitoring Structures (ARMS) and in situ environmental parameters. Frontiers in Marine Science.