These interactions, their biological and ecological relevance, are fundamental to understanding the biology and ecology of a species as well as its role in the ecosystem. Importantly, this information can also be used to foster improved management and conservation practices.
To address these questions, I use a variety of approaches, including chemical tracer techniques (e.g. stable isotope analysis, trace elements, contaminants), biologging (satellite, acoustic, and other models of electronic tags), and habitat and biophysical modelling.
It is important to address fundamental questions in biology and ecology, and conduct applied research that can be used to help manage and conserve species and ecosystems in an ocean that is rapidly changing due to human activity and climate change.
My Projects
My Publications

Pop-up Archival Tags Reveal Environmental Influences on the Vertical Movements of Silvertip Sharks (Carcharhinus albimarginatus)
Tickler, D.M., Carlisle, A.B., Meeuwig, J.J., Chapple, T.K., Curnick, D., Dale, J.J., Castleton, M.J., Schallert, R.J., Block, B.B. (2023). Pop-up archival tags reveal environmental influences on the vertical movements of silvertip sharks (Carcharhinus albimarginatus). Marine Ecological Progress Series.

Environmental DNA Helps Reveal Reef Shark Distribution Across a Remote Archipelago
Dunn, N., Curnick, D.J., Carbone, C., Carlisle, A.B., Chapple, T.K., Dowell, R., Ferretti, F., Jacoby, D.M.P., Schallert, R.J., Steyaert, M., Tickler, D.M., Williamson, M.J., Block, B.A., Savolainen, V. (2023). Environmental DNA helps reveal reef shark distribution across a remote archipelago. Ecological Indicators.

Behavior and Ecology of Silky Sharks Around the Chagos Archipelago and Evidence of Indian Ocean Wide Movement
Curnick, D.J., Andrzejaczek, S., Jacoby, D.M.P., Coffey, D.M., Carlisle, A.B., Chapple, T.K., Ferretti, F., Schallert, R.J., White, T., Block, B.A., Koldewey, H.J. and Collen, B. (2020) Behavior and Ecology of Silky Sharks Around the Chagos Archipelago and Evidence of Indian Ocean Wide Movement. Frontiers in Marine Science.

A Review of a Decade of Lessons From One of the World’s Largest MPAs: Conservation Gains and Key Challenges
Hays, G.C., Koldewey, H.J., Andrzejaczek, S., Attrill, M.J., Barley, S., Bayley, D.T.I., Benkwitt, C.E., Block, B., Schallert, R.J., Carlisle, A., Carr, P., Chapple, T.K., Collins, C., Diaz, C., Dunn, N., Dunbar, R.B., Eager, D.S., Engel, J., Embling, C.B., Esteban, N., Ferretti, F., Foster, N.L., Freeman, R., Gollock, M., Graham, N.A.J., Harris, J.L., Head, C.E.I, Hosegood, P., Howell, K.L., Hussey, N.E., Jacoby, D.M.P., Jones, R., Pilly, J.S., Lange, I.D., Letessier, T.B., Levy, E., Lindhart, M., McDevitt-Irwin, J.M., Meekan, M., Meeuwig, J.J., Micheli, F., Mogg, A., Mortimer, J.A., Mucciarone, D.A., Nicoll, M.A., Nuno, A., Perry, C., Preston, S.G., Rattray, A.J., Robinson, E., Roche, R., Schiele, M., Sheehan, E.V., Sheppard, A., Sheppard, C., Smith, A.L., Soule, B., Spalding, M., Stevens, G.M.W., Steyaert, M., Stiffel, S., Taylor, B.M., Tickler, D., Trevail, A.M., Trueba, P., Turner, J., Votier, S., Wilson, B., Williams, G., Williamson, B., Williamson, M.J., Wood, H. and Curnick, D.J. (2020) A review of a decade of lessons from one of the world’s largest MPAs: conservation gains and key challenges. Marine Biology.

Shark Movement Strategies Influence Poaching Risk and Enforcement Decisions in a Large, Remote Marine Protected Area
Jacoby, D.M.J., Ferretti, F., Freeman, R., Carlisle, A.B., Chapple, T.K., Curnick, D.J., Dale, J.J., Schallert, R.J., Tickler, D. and Block, B.A. (2020) Shark movement strategies influence poaching risk and enforcement decisions in a large, remote Marine Protected Area. Journal of Applied Biology.